I know it has been a while since my last blog, but my friends and i have been traveling alot lately. The first place to start my long review is Medina OH. In Medina, Faith, Izzy, Henry, and Matty showed in the two days. The weekend started with heavy rains followed by extremely hot and muggy weather. But Faith won her first B.O.B. but was unfortunately unable to add to her CH points. For Faith this was her first group appearance and despite temperatures in the upper 90s and a heat index of over 100 she showed great. Henry and Matty were a little sluggish in the heat and were unable to add to their totals. The big winner of the weekend was Little Izzy. Izzy started the weekend by going 3 out of 3 on Saturday and I was worried that it was going to be a long weekend for her. However, on Sunday, Izzy was WB for 3 points. This was Izzy's second major and finished her Championship. Izzy is now known as CH Wimzical Wild Wounderful Trucolorz.
Chase & Leslie at Sandlapper GRC photo courtsey of Peg Zionts |
The following weekend you could find us all in Greenville SC for four days of shows. The weekend started out big with Chase winning Best Veteran in Sweeps at Sandlapper GRC, under breeder judge Susan Leese. Unfortunately, the weekend was not as successful. The excitement for the weekend was JaDe winning his American Breed class 2 of the 4 days and Little Izzy continued rolling picking up her first 3 GCH points.
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