Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

It is the time of year for March madness!  All you hear about on tv is basketball games and the dog show season is in full stride by now!

Saturday evenings sunset at the NC state Fairgrounds

We headed to the tarheel circuit this past weekend and had a really great time!

Saturday results
BO 1/RWD at the Tarheel GRC specialty
Matty BOS 2pts
Whitey 0 but showed well
Target 1st in sweeps with Owner Amy Gates and 1st in all breed and went on to win Best Puppy in Specialty

A collage of photos courtsey of The Gates Family and John Tibbs

Sunday results
Matty BOS 2pts
Whitey & Rifle showed great but weren't the judges cup of tea.
Target won her class again

Also, my brother Yoda showed at the first annual Tarheel GRC all breed obedience and rally trial and placed 2nd in the rally novice B class with a superb score of 99. Go Yoda!

The past two weeks sure have been busy but fun too!  Now lets hope tomorrow is the last snow and spring will really come along now.  I dislike cold weather.

Maybe you will see a new dog or two in next months lineup.  Check back soon for more information.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Run for the roses?

Oh! It't not that time of year yet!  It is getting that time though and the dog show season is in full swing now with March madness and all.

We spent 3 days in Louisville, Ky and the weather was great until Sunday and then it got gross!

Leslie had 7 dogs to show this weekend!

Marty showed great the two days he was entered.

Whitey did well for his first weekend and made the cut in a large open class the second day under a breeder judge.

Whitey owned by Vonnie Peterson in Louisville, KY March 2014

Target got better each day her first weekend out!

Rifle was kind of a poopy head but we will let it slide.

Faith swept the BOS's in springers picking up 11 GCH points!

Faith after winning one of her four BOS's in Lousiville March 2014

Danny showed great!

Leslie always showed Jessica's pap Miranda two days and won WB/BOS over 4 specials for 5 points!  WOW!!!!

Leslie and Amy showed Chatter and Target in the first ever Eukanuba Puppy Futurity and they had tons of fun!

Target & Chatter sniffing each other during the 1st Puppy Futurity!

Leslie  also showed with Tyler in the breeder stakes and won 2nd place in the working group!

Fun fun of to tarheel country!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Auburn, IN

This past weekend we went to Auburn, IN for Logansport KC.  We had never been to this site before but it was very cool!  It was held at a museum with cars and soliders!  Very neat!

On Saturday Marty was awarded BOS for 2 points giving him 19 GCH points.  One more major and he will be good to go!

Matty was awarded Select dog for 2 points.

On Sunday Marty showed great but didn't get anything.  We thought that may happen but we were working on ring experience and he did great!

Matty was again awarded select for 2 points.

Matty now sits at 104 GCH points.  We wanted a few more to make us feel good about his numbers.

See you in Louisville soon! 

Some of the cars we saw this weekend

One week we are with cars the next week with horses!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spring in the air???

Well, I'm not sure spring will ever be here.  But thankfully we have missed driving in most of these terrible weather by being home the past couple of weeks.  While we are sad to see a mini vacation end we are ready to get back on the road.

While we are off we did find out that Marty was ranked in the top 20 all breed goldens at the end of January. We don't expect him to stay there for February since he was only shown once and didn't win but maybe by the end of spring he will make another appearance in the ranking!

It also came across AKC making it official that Matty is Bronze GCH Trucolorz Traveler to Wimzical CGC.  We think he may be ranked in the breed rankings when February stats come out.  That would be very exciting!  Right now we will wait and see.

Look for us at the shows near you soon.  Leslie has a full schedule the next couple weeks and some new dogs possibly coming up!  You never know what you might see her in the ring with. ;-)

See ya'll soon!
