Sunday, November 20, 2011

Buckeye Country!!!

Jason & Leslie

We were in Columbus, OH this weekend and while the Buckeye's lost last night to Penn State we won!!!!

This weekend the border collie lineup was stiff!!!!  Henry tried his best but didn't get any ribbons this weekend.  Izzy was on the ball picking up BOS behind her dad Storm both days getting 2 points yesterday and 1 point today.  She did pick up two CH defeats towards her GCH title so she has completed that part of it.  She now sits at 19 points 1 major 4 CH defeats!  Way to go Izzybizzy!!!!

Jason was awarded his fourth major reserve on Satruday and as Chirs & Leslie were somewhat sad about it they knew he showed his heart out.  Leslie was feelling the pressure on Sunday as they both really wanted to finish Jason before he goes home this week.  This was the last chance they had!  Well.....

Jason won WD for a 3pt major to finish!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!  He is now CH Denzel Front And Center.  He finished in 7 weekends of showing with 3 majors, 2 supported entry wins, and 4 major reserves.  Now thats how you finish!!!!

Chris & Leslie showed Marty & Drogba in a match Friday night and Drogba goofed off big time!  But Marty came out on top with a BOB and Sporting group 1.  We sure hope many more of those will come in his future dog show career.

Marty showing in the Best Puppy In Match 3-6 month match in Columbus, OH

It was nice to see lots of familiar faces in Columbus this weekend as this will be the last time seeing some of them for the year.  We are starting to get excited for our trip to FL and can't believe the year is almost over.

If I don't talk to ya before Thursday have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Labradorite's loot from the match!

Chris & Leslie just told me I forgot to tell you guys about the match in Indiana!  My bad!  The 3 month old puppies, Lola, Drogba, and BeckhamOtis went into the ring for the first time. 

Everyone showed great but Labradorite's Shoots N Scores "Drogba" ended up being the BOB winner of the night.  Labrdorite's Free Kick Sensation "BeckhamOtis" was 2nd place behind brother Drogba.  Labradorite's Heads U Win "Lola" won her class of 3-good competition but in the end lost the breed to brother Drogba.

Those puppies all have great attitudes and showy attitudes.  Cousin Marty was upset he didn't get to play but Leslie and Chris only have so many hands.

I think these guys have bright futures and hopefully next year I will be blogging about them more!

Until next time. "Justy"

End of October and the Start to November

Sorry, I have blogged for awhile guys.  We sure have been busy until this past weekend.

Lets go back to the end of October.  We drove clear out to Leesburg, VA and Mother Nature had some bad weather in store for us.  I wasn't ready to go for my walks in the snow yet but that is what she gave us.  Both shows were cancelled because of snow.  Chris & Leslie were kinda upset because they thought Jason had a pretty good shot to finish and the border collies to pick up some points but it just wasn't in the cards.  So we headed home Saturday afternoon and got some rest on Sunday.

We then were off to Ft. Wayne, IN.  We had never been to this show before but it was quite nice.  It sure felt good to be showing inside after that bad weather the weekend before.

Going to Indiana we had Faith, Izzy, Henry, Yoda, and Jason.  The weekend started off with Jason winning a major reserve under Tim Catterson at a PCA supported entry.  If Jason would have won that would have finished him!  But Leslie was pleased with how he showed.  Then came Yoda and Yoda hasn't shown very much this year but when he has he is very competitive.  He made the cut getting a hard look. Then it was time for the Border Collies to have their turn.  Henry showed great but was unable to pick up any points.  Izzy took BOS for 1GCH pt.  Faith decided to take  so many laps around the ring I took a nap.  But Chris told me he got some good photos of her in sweepstakes where she won her class!  Regular classes didn't go as well when Faith received 4th place.

The next day started again with the Papillons and we didn't have much luck on this day.  But everyone showed great!  Then it was Faith's turn and she surprised us all again winning her sweeps class and then taking Best Of Opposite Sweepstakes.  Again regular classes didn't go well but thanks to Judge Jamie Hubbard, Faith will always be known as Kalwa's Elements of Faith, BOSS!!!!  She won a huge ribbon that is pictured below.  I've never seen one so big!!!! Then the Border Collies took another trip around and they are really on top of their game right now in the ring.  Henry just wasn't able to win any ribbons this trip but Izzy won BOS again for 2GCH pts.

Faith and Leslie after winning BOSS in Indiana

We had a great time in Indiana but we were all ready for a weekend off.  Leslie and all of us dogs had been traveling for 7 weeks in a row and Chris had been going for 5 weeks in a row.  So thankfully we were off this past weekend. 

Watch for some new upcoming dogs soon!

Updated Point Counts
Izzy 15GCH pts with 1 major and 2 CH defeats
GCH Matty 48 GCHpts
GCH Henry 26 GCHpts
GCH Jonesy 29GCHpts
GCH Yoda 41GCHpts
Jason 12 pts 2 majors
Faith 7pts