Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tallmadge, OH

Sorry I haven't been on here has been even more busy than usual. 

After eating the big Thanksgiving meal and doing a little shopping we all jumped in Herc and headed to Tallmadge, OH for the Agathon KC dog shows.  This trip we had; Faith, Jonesy, Yoda, Izzy, Matty, and a newbie James!

Faith showed well picking up two class wins but wasn't able to bring home anymore than the blue ribbons.  Jonesy only showed on Saturday and while he enjoyed himself he probably enjoyed himself a little too much....we expect him to do better in the last 5 shows he has for the year! Yoda picked up two nice BOS wins...I sure hoped he would win but Yoda is still working on getting back into the groove of things.  Izzy was the big winner!  She won BOS both days and on the first day she picked up her 2nd GCH major!  Izzy needs one major and one single to finish her GCH.  We are so excited about her!  Matty was select dog on Sunday bringing his total to 49 points....we hope to be able to medallion him next year!  Now about James...I know you guys haven't met him and we need to get some photos of him but he is a French Bulldog.  Leslie has some past experience with Frenchies and James grandmother.  James won his class both days but wasn't able to obtain any points yet.  But man he is a show dog!  Watch for more news on James in 2012!!!!!

Can't believe December is upon us.  I sure hope Chris & Leslie get me something good for Christmas! ;-)