Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tallmadge, OH

Sorry I haven't been on here has been even more busy than usual. 

After eating the big Thanksgiving meal and doing a little shopping we all jumped in Herc and headed to Tallmadge, OH for the Agathon KC dog shows.  This trip we had; Faith, Jonesy, Yoda, Izzy, Matty, and a newbie James!

Faith showed well picking up two class wins but wasn't able to bring home anymore than the blue ribbons.  Jonesy only showed on Saturday and while he enjoyed himself he probably enjoyed himself a little too much....we expect him to do better in the last 5 shows he has for the year! Yoda picked up two nice BOS wins...I sure hoped he would win but Yoda is still working on getting back into the groove of things.  Izzy was the big winner!  She won BOS both days and on the first day she picked up her 2nd GCH major!  Izzy needs one major and one single to finish her GCH.  We are so excited about her!  Matty was select dog on Sunday bringing his total to 49 points....we hope to be able to medallion him next year!  Now about James...I know you guys haven't met him and we need to get some photos of him but he is a French Bulldog.  Leslie has some past experience with Frenchies and James grandmother.  James won his class both days but wasn't able to obtain any points yet.  But man he is a show dog!  Watch for more news on James in 2012!!!!!

Can't believe December is upon us.  I sure hope Chris & Leslie get me something good for Christmas! ;-)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Buckeye Country!!!

Jason & Leslie

We were in Columbus, OH this weekend and while the Buckeye's lost last night to Penn State we won!!!!

This weekend the border collie lineup was stiff!!!!  Henry tried his best but didn't get any ribbons this weekend.  Izzy was on the ball picking up BOS behind her dad Storm both days getting 2 points yesterday and 1 point today.  She did pick up two CH defeats towards her GCH title so she has completed that part of it.  She now sits at 19 points 1 major 4 CH defeats!  Way to go Izzybizzy!!!!

Jason was awarded his fourth major reserve on Satruday and as Chirs & Leslie were somewhat sad about it they knew he showed his heart out.  Leslie was feelling the pressure on Sunday as they both really wanted to finish Jason before he goes home this week.  This was the last chance they had!  Well.....

Jason won WD for a 3pt major to finish!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!  He is now CH Denzel Front And Center.  He finished in 7 weekends of showing with 3 majors, 2 supported entry wins, and 4 major reserves.  Now thats how you finish!!!!

Chris & Leslie showed Marty & Drogba in a match Friday night and Drogba goofed off big time!  But Marty came out on top with a BOB and Sporting group 1.  We sure hope many more of those will come in his future dog show career.

Marty showing in the Best Puppy In Match 3-6 month match in Columbus, OH

It was nice to see lots of familiar faces in Columbus this weekend as this will be the last time seeing some of them for the year.  We are starting to get excited for our trip to FL and can't believe the year is almost over.

If I don't talk to ya before Thursday have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Labradorite's loot from the match!

Chris & Leslie just told me I forgot to tell you guys about the match in Indiana!  My bad!  The 3 month old puppies, Lola, Drogba, and BeckhamOtis went into the ring for the first time. 

Everyone showed great but Labradorite's Shoots N Scores "Drogba" ended up being the BOB winner of the night.  Labrdorite's Free Kick Sensation "BeckhamOtis" was 2nd place behind brother Drogba.  Labradorite's Heads U Win "Lola" won her class of 3-good competition but in the end lost the breed to brother Drogba.

Those puppies all have great attitudes and showy attitudes.  Cousin Marty was upset he didn't get to play but Leslie and Chris only have so many hands.

I think these guys have bright futures and hopefully next year I will be blogging about them more!

Until next time. "Justy"

End of October and the Start to November

Sorry, I have blogged for awhile guys.  We sure have been busy until this past weekend.

Lets go back to the end of October.  We drove clear out to Leesburg, VA and Mother Nature had some bad weather in store for us.  I wasn't ready to go for my walks in the snow yet but that is what she gave us.  Both shows were cancelled because of snow.  Chris & Leslie were kinda upset because they thought Jason had a pretty good shot to finish and the border collies to pick up some points but it just wasn't in the cards.  So we headed home Saturday afternoon and got some rest on Sunday.

We then were off to Ft. Wayne, IN.  We had never been to this show before but it was quite nice.  It sure felt good to be showing inside after that bad weather the weekend before.

Going to Indiana we had Faith, Izzy, Henry, Yoda, and Jason.  The weekend started off with Jason winning a major reserve under Tim Catterson at a PCA supported entry.  If Jason would have won that would have finished him!  But Leslie was pleased with how he showed.  Then came Yoda and Yoda hasn't shown very much this year but when he has he is very competitive.  He made the cut getting a hard look. Then it was time for the Border Collies to have their turn.  Henry showed great but was unable to pick up any points.  Izzy took BOS for 1GCH pt.  Faith decided to take  so many laps around the ring I took a nap.  But Chris told me he got some good photos of her in sweepstakes where she won her class!  Regular classes didn't go as well when Faith received 4th place.

The next day started again with the Papillons and we didn't have much luck on this day.  But everyone showed great!  Then it was Faith's turn and she surprised us all again winning her sweeps class and then taking Best Of Opposite Sweepstakes.  Again regular classes didn't go well but thanks to Judge Jamie Hubbard, Faith will always be known as Kalwa's Elements of Faith, BOSS!!!!  She won a huge ribbon that is pictured below.  I've never seen one so big!!!! Then the Border Collies took another trip around and they are really on top of their game right now in the ring.  Henry just wasn't able to win any ribbons this trip but Izzy won BOS again for 2GCH pts.

Faith and Leslie after winning BOSS in Indiana

We had a great time in Indiana but we were all ready for a weekend off.  Leslie and all of us dogs had been traveling for 7 weeks in a row and Chris had been going for 5 weeks in a row.  So thankfully we were off this past weekend. 

Watch for some new upcoming dogs soon!

Updated Point Counts
Izzy 15GCH pts with 1 major and 2 CH defeats
GCH Matty 48 GCHpts
GCH Henry 26 GCHpts
GCH Jonesy 29GCHpts
GCH Yoda 41GCHpts
Jason 12 pts 2 majors
Faith 7pts

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cumberland MD

Izzy's Group 4 Rossette!!!

This past weekend my friends and I made a short trip over the mountains to Cumberland MD for 3 days of shows. This week Leslie and Chris were showing; Izzy, Matty, Jason, Jonesy, Ronan, Jordan, Dee Dee and Micah. Here are the results and updated points.
Matty: BOB on Saturday and BOS on Sunday for 4 GCH points. This gives Matty 48 GCH points.
Jonesy: BOS on Friday for 1 GCH point.
Ronan, GCH Glamour’s Ronan N MacMariner CD, RN: BOB in Golden Retrievers on Saturday.
Dee Dee, Seacrest Witmer Mocha Madness V Donka: Was 1st in German Shepherd Am-Bred Bitch on Saturday and 2nd on Sunday.
Micah, Donka’s Dream Weaver: Took 3rd and 4th in German Shepherd Open Dog on Sat and Sun.
Jordan, Donka’s Dream Come True: Was winners bitch from the German Shepherd Open Bitch class on Saturday for a 3 point major. This was Jordan’s second major and finished her CH.
Jason, Denzel Front and Center: Won winners dog and best of winners in Papillons for 6 points, including a 3 point major. This gives Jason 12 points, with both majors. He needs just  singles to finish he Championship. Jason has been on a role lately picking up all his points in just 5 weekends.
Izzy: was the big winner of the weekend winning BOB Friday and Sunday and BOS Saturday. She picked up 4 GCH points and a Ch defeat. Yet the biggest win of the weekend came on Sunday afternoon when Izzy took the Group 4 for 53 dogs defeated. This was Izzy’s first group placement.

Ameila: Also finished her RA this past weekend making her a perfect 6 for 6 in qualifying legs in Rally.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nashville TN……The Blue Brothers Show

Hey! All you all coming? We got a show to get to!!!

This weekend my friends and I headed to Nashville TN for their 2 day show. Traveling in Herc was Matty, Henry, Jason, Faith, Yoda and Myself. The trip started earlier than usually because Leslie was able to take a half day off and picked Chris up at school. The trip was long and as we got closer we noticed that the time had changed which means we picked up 1 hour on the way to the show. The weekend started with Henry winning BOB for a 4 point GCH major, this left him needing 2 points to finish his GCH. Matty was select dog for 2 GCH points. And as the day went on, Faith and Jason were not to be left out. Faith went WB/BOW/BOB for 1 point raising her total to 6 points. Jason, was the last to show for the day and to make sure that he wasn’t left out, he went WD/BOW for a 3 point major. This was Jason’s first major and gave him a total of 6 points. Chris and Leslie were so excited because everyone got points that was shown and made the long trip well worth it.

Sunday started out a little slower, with Faith taking WB/BOS but unfortunately was unable to add any points to her total. Faith has come a long way since starting her show career. Jason was also unable to add to his total when he took RWD. Chris and Leslie were disappointed after the morning but were still counting on the Blue Brothers, Matty and Henry, to finish the day out with a win. And that was exactly what happened. Henry was BOB for another 3 point major, and is now known as GCH Trucolorz Blue Hen of Wimzical. Matty to not be out done took select dog for 2 points. This brings Matty’s total to 44 GCH points. Everyone at Riverview Handling is extremely proud of how everyone showed.

Also, we would like to send out Congratulations out to the Clines as their Standard Schnauzer bitch Ellie went BOB/GRP1 last weekend!! Ellie is currently ranked in the top 20 breed and all breed!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Aliquippa PA

Jason’s loot from this weekend!

This past weekend you could find my friends and I in Aliquippa PA. This weekend Izzy, Faith, and Jason,Denzel Front and Center were on the trip and ready to win. The weekend started with a bang when Jason took WD/BW/BOS over 1 male special for 1 point.  Faith showed well, and was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch. Izzy was BOS, but was did not get any GCH points. Much of the same occurred Sunday, Jason was WD/BOS over a male special for 1 point. This gives Jason a total of 3 points towards his championship. This wins were exciting becuase they were supported by Three River Papillion Club. Faith continued her good weekend, winning WB for 1 point. This brings Faith’s total to 6. Izzy again was BOS but showed much better on Sunday. This next weekend my friends and I will be in Nashville TN.

Friday, October 7, 2011

G.R.I.T.S. 2011

National ribbons

Last week was a very special week and you could find Leslie and I , along will all our Golden friends at G.R.I.T.S. 2011, which stands for Golden Retrievers In The South. This was the theme for the 2011 Golden Retriever National. Leslie had a full truck as she headed to Atlanta for one week of showing. There were approximately 1200 Goldens entered in the contest. The week started with a bang when Chuck, Labradorites BreakNTheSoundBarrier BN RAE qualified with scores in the 90’s in both Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent. This was scheduled to be Chucks last rally appearance as Bill (Leslie’s Dad) is going to start focusing on training Chuck in obedience. Bill continued his good week picking up Ameila’s third and final Rally Novice leg. Ameila is now known as, Labradorites Flyn Around The World RN. This was only Ameila’s third rally appearance and she qualified all three times. Ameila and Chuck are littermates from Chrissy’s first breeding last year.  Keep your eye out as they continue their exciting obedience and rally careers.

Leslie started her weekend with Chase, AM/CAN CH Hytrees Dream Chaser, showing in Veteran Dogs. Chase showed wonderful and you could tell he really enjoyed his time in the ring, but he unfortunately was not the judges style dog and was unable to get a placement. The same held true when he showed in Regular Veterans. But Chase had a great time and was able to watch his daughter Ameila compete with some of the best in the rally ring.  Jonesy, AM GCH CAN CH Evergreens Smarty Jones, also went along for the ride and made his presence known in the Best of Breed ring where he was competing with over 200 specials. Jonesy unfortunately did not make any cuts, but he received a lot of very nice compliments.

The rock star of the week was, Jewel AKA Rock Star, Hytrees Foolish Games RN CGC. Jewel was competing in the 12 and older bitch class in both reg. veterans and veteran sweeps against 10 other bitches. Jewel went out there and showed her best and walked out with 2 placements. In veteran sweeps Jewel took home 3rd and in Reg Veterans Jewel was 2nd. Leslie and Chris could not be prouder of jewel and her excellent performance. Overall the week in Atlanta was a good time.  Everyone at Riverview Handling and Labradorite Kennels are so proud of everyone for their great performances.  Keep your eye out as we continue travel around the East Coast with my friends. This weekend you will find us in Aliquippa PA with Jason, Izzy, and Faith.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Long over due!

Hey everyone! I know its been a long time since I’ve given you all an update on my friends. So here goes a quick run down from the last few weeks. First I want to say Happy Birthday to Leslie and Chris who’s birthdays were the 18th and 20th respectively.  Chris and Leslie have been busy showing. Since the last update, Matty has picked up 8 more GCH points. Faith got a real hard look in Kentucky. Jonesy picked up 2 select dogs! Yoda taking the breed over the number 5 papillon in the country. Another exciting thing which has happened is Jason, a.k.a. Jason Lee, won his first point this past weekend. Ameila also picked up her first two legs towards her RN in her first weekend out. Chrissy’s puppies are growing up and looking very nice.

This next week, you can watch my updates as Leslie goes to the Golden Retriever National. You can find out quickly what happens as Chuck, Ameila, Jonesy, Chase, and Jewel go to Atlanta to compete against ~1200 goldens. Well, I'm going to get off of here and do one of my favorite things, take a nap.

Goodnight Everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Harrisburg PA



This past weekend you could find Henry, Izzy, Yoda, and I in Harrisburg PA. Chris and Leslie were expecting a nice weekend, with just the two to show. The weekend started out well with Izzy taking BOS for a 3 point GCH major. This was Izzy’s first major and gave her 5 GCH points total. The next day Henry was Select dog for 2 GCH points. This leaves Henry needing just 6 points to finish his GCH. Izzy also continued her winning ways by going BOS for 2 GCH points. Her total is now at 8 GCH points. It was a excellent weekend for Henry and Izzy. But the weekend did not stop there, Chris and Leslie picked up another Papillon named Jason. Watch the blog over the next few weeks for updates on everyones progress and to learn more about Jason and my other friends.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Little Izzy wins big and Chase struts his stuff!!!

I know it has been a while since my last blog, but my friends and i have been traveling alot lately. The first place to start my long review is Medina OH. In Medina, Faith, Izzy, Henry, and Matty showed in the two days. The weekend started with heavy rains followed by extremely hot and muggy weather. But Faith won her first B.O.B. but was unfortunately unable to add to her CH points. For Faith this was her first group appearance and despite temperatures in the upper 90s and a heat index of over 100 she showed great. Henry and Matty were a little sluggish in the heat and were unable to add to their totals. The big winner of the weekend was Little Izzy. Izzy started the weekend by going 3 out of 3 on Saturday and I was worried that it was going to be a long weekend for her. However, on Sunday, Izzy was WB for 3 points. This was Izzy's second major and finished her Championship. Izzy is now known as CH Wimzical Wild Wounderful Trucolorz.

Chase & Leslie at Sandlapper GRC photo courtsey of Peg Zionts

The following weekend you could find us all in Greenville SC for four days of shows. The weekend started out big with Chase winning Best Veteran in Sweeps at Sandlapper GRC, under breeder judge Susan Leese. Unfortunately, the weekend was not as successful. The excitement for the weekend was JaDe winning his American Breed class 2 of the 4 days and Little Izzy continued rolling picking up her first 3 GCH points.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Shawnee KC

Last weekend you could find my friends Matty, Henry, Faith and I in Woodstock, VA for Shawnee KC two day show. The weekend was a light weekend for Chris and Leslie but successful none the less. Matty was BOB both days for 3 breed points and 2 GCH points. Henry was select dog but unfortunately the entry was two small for him to add to his GCH total. Faith was reserve winners bitch on Sunday and showed well both days. This weekend u can find Matty, Henry, Izzy, and Faith at the Medina KC show in Medina OH.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Huntington Kennel Club

This past weekend you could find all my friends in Huntington WV for the Huntington KC 2 day show. Since the show was so close to home, Yoda and I spent stayed in the kennel, but I wanted to know what happened as soon as everyone got back. Saturday started off extremely early, Chris and Leslie took Yoda and I to the kennel around 4:45 am. The first dogs in he ring were Micah and Secret, the German Shepherds. Micah was WD/BOS for 1 point and Secret was WB/BOW/B for 1 point. This singled Micah out and gave Secret her first point. As soon as the shepherds were done it was Henry and Matty’s turn to show. Henry took Select dog for a 3 point GCH major. Breah was excited to get her second show underway and did so by going RWB, Chris said he thought the judge really liked her and wanted to give  her the points and it was confirmed when the judge commented on how good she looked and that once she matured she would be nice. Jonesy and Faith also showed, but unfortunately were unable to pick up any points on this day. The big winner of the day however, was Secret, a Labrador Retriever Leslie showed to WB/BOW/B and  a group 4.

Sunday was much of the same. Jonesy, Matty, Faith, and Breah were unable to add to their point totals. But Breah was again RWB. Secret the lab was RWB. In German Shepherds Edge was WD for 1 point and Secret was WB/BOW for 1 point. Henry picked up another GCH major by going select dog. This gives Henry 17 of the required 25 and all of the required majors. Overall, my friends had a great weekend while Yoda and I relaxed in the kennel. This weekend Matty, Henry, and Faith are going to Shawnee Kennel Club in Woodstock VA so check back next week to see how everyone did.

Riverview Handling and I would like to send out two special congratulations to Ellie, GCH Bolero Gentle Gisele of Briarcliff Pointe, who last weekend became the first Standard Schnauzer bitch to earn a GCH medallion. We would also like to congratulate Belva for finishing her Belgian Tervuren, CH Shumaker Hill's Spring Rum Runner.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Riverview Handling At The Black Diamond Cluster, Waynesburg PA

This weekend you could find my friends and I at the Black Diamond Cluster in Waynesburg Pa.  Well at least for the weekend shows. The weekend started on Friday as we traveled to New Castle, PA for Chrissy, Jonesy and Chase to be shown at a golden retriever specialty and Chuck was entered in Rally Advanced and Excellent as he tries to earn his RAE. Chase is owned was finished by Leslie and has turned 8 and is eligible for veteran’s class. The goldens all showed well but unfortunately there were no big wins on that day. Chuck however, did pick up 4 RAE legs giving him 6 of the 10 required for his RAE title. Following the Golden speciality, we all travled back to Waynesburg PA for the Black Diamond Cluster.
Chris and Leslie had high hopes for everyone showing this weekend and were really excited that Breah, Mariah’s WV Sassy Lady B, was making her show debut in the 6-9 puppy bitch class on Sunday. But before I can talk about Sunday I guess I should mention what happened on Sat. Saturday Chrissy, Jonesy, Matty, Henry, Izzy, and Faith were shown. Chrissy, Jonesy, and Henry showed well but it was not their day as each left the ring without any ribbons. Izzy was WB/BOS for 2 points, Chris and Leslie were hoping that she could get a major but unfortunately Izzy was one bitch short of her final major. Matty was select dog for 2 GCH points bringing his total to 28. And Faith was WB for her 5th point. Faith has been on a role, she has 5 points in 5 weekends out.

Sunday much of the same was seen. Matty was select dog for 2 more GCH points, his total now at 30. He is the  #1 GCH ranked Border Collie in WV. His brother Henry, is #2 with 11 points and was unfortunately unable to add to his total this weekend. Faith, Chrissy, and Izzy were left wanting more as none of them took any points. Breah, showed like an old pro and took reserve. Leslie and Chris were so proud of how she showed and really think the future is bright for this sassy little girl. The big winner this weekend was Ch Evergreens Smarty Jones, Jonesy. Jonesy was select dog for a 3 point GCH major. I am proud to announce that Jonesy is now known as AM GCH/CAN CH Evergreens Smarty Jones. This is the third GCH Chris and Leslie has put on a dog during this years Eukanuba Cup qualifying time period. Keep on eye out at your local shows for Riverview Handling as they try and finish even more titles this year!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Breaking News!!

Orange Center, Orlando FL. Home of the 2011 Eukanuba Cup

Walker Arena, GA. Home of the 2011 GRCA National 

I just heard Chris and Leslie talking about some exciting news. They are planning on going to the Golden Retriever National in Georgia September 27-October 1st. This will be our first National since Riverview Handling L.L.C. was started. They sounded really excited and are looking for more dogs that want to go and compete this year.  I cannot wait to watch my friends compete this year. There were also talking about going to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in Orlando Fl. This is the first time the cup has been held on the east coast in some time and they are excited to have both Yoda and Matty eligible. They are currently working hard to finish Jonesy and Henry’s GCH in order that they may also be eligible to compete this year. Not only are they going to the Cup Dec 17-18 they are going to take a string of dogs to the all breed show Dec 14-16. If you are interested in sending any dogs to either of these excited events contact Chris or Leslie,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Faith winning WB Sunday in New Castle, PA video courtsey of owner Nancy Stephens

For Memorial Day this year we all were in New Castle PA for 3 shows. The weekend started off with a bang when at 8 am on Saturday Matty went BOS for a 3 point GCH major. Matty is now known as GCH Trucolorz Traveler to Wimzical. Henry took select dog. Jonesy showed well but was unable to add to his GCH pursuit.

Sunday, Henry was select dog for 1 GCH point. Jonesy showed well again but continued to struggle with his pursuit to finish his GCH. Faith took WB for 1 point. This was Faith’s 4th point and she is only 9 months old.

The weekend ended with another bang as Matty’s brother, Henry,  was not to be outdone and took BOB for a 4 point GCH major, this gives Henry 11 GCH with one major.  The last few weeks have been very successful for Henry picking up 2 BOB, a group 4 and 7 GCH points. Matty was select dog. Yoda took select dog over one of the top ranked Paps this year and Jonesy put in another good performance. This weekend was very successful for Chris and Leslie and all my friends. Four different dogs picked up a total of 10 points. We all have the next two weeks off to relax and enjoy our recent success. I would like to congratulate Labradorite's BreakNTheSoundBarrier BN, RE for finishing his Rally Excellent title this weekend.

Labradorite's BreakNTheSoundBarrier BN, RE "Chuck" Photo Credit: Leslie Racine & Jennifer Workman

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Henry and Faith Steal the Show in Marietta OH

This weekend my friends and I traveled to Marietta OH for three days of showing. This was a very busy weekend for Chris and Leslie, who showed 11 dogs. To help them this weekend Chris’s brother Geof came to assist. Geof had never showed dogs before but was up to the challenge, and ended up taking Izzy back in for Breed Friday and Saturday. Friday started off with Matty taking BOS for one GCH point. Izzy was WB and Henry was Select Dog, but there was not enough competition to get any points. Chrissy was RWB. Jonesy got a hard look but walked out of the ring without ribbons. Ari, who is owned by Debbie Koons was third in a very competitive open dog class. Chris and Leslie also picked up and showed 3 German Shepard Dogs this weekend and took the points in Bitch friday. Faith was WB  but didn’t get any points, as she needed the cross for a point. The big win Friday was Chase, Leslie’s veteran Golden who took Best Veteran In Sweeps. This was the first time Chase had been shown in  a while and he looked great.

Saturday started out the same. Izzy was WB, but Henry was BOS, and Matty Select dog. This gave Henry his 5th GCH point. Chrissy was 3rd in the open class and Ari was RWD. Jonesy had another solid performance but for the second straight day left without a ribbon. Faith was WB. While the German Shepard’s took the points on both sides.

Faith waiting for her picture after taking WB/BOW for 1 point!

Sunday, the major broke in Goldens so Ari and Chrissy took the day off. Izzy was also given the day off because of the small entry.  Leslie took the points in Shepard on the bitch side. Faith was WB/BOW for 1 point. This was Faith's 3rd point. Everyone at Riverview Handling is very proud of Faith for her performances. The big winner of the day was Henry. Henry was BOB for 1 GCH point. This was Henry’s 6th point and only his second BOB. However, he was not done there. Henry went on to take a Group 4. This was Henry’s first group placement and the first US group placement Leslie and Chris had put on a client dog. This weekend was a very successful weekend for my friends and I couldn’t be happier for Debbie and Alex, Henry’s owners, and Donna, Henry’s breeder. Check back for picture for all this great wins.

Henry took a bow and laid down while waiting for his Group 4 ribbon!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Little Izzy Wins Big!!!

Izzy on the move
Wimzical Wild Wonderful Trucolorz, Izzy, on the move!!

This weekend my friends and I were in Tallmadge OH for the Ravenna KC two day show. Showing this weekend were Jonesy, Matty, Henry, and Izzy. Faith and Breah, a 5 month old Akita puppy, went along for the ride. This was Breah’s first trip to a show and she did great. Chris and Leslie are really excited to start showing her in the near future. Of course my brother Yoda and I were there to watch and cheer everyone on. The weekend started off with Izzy taking 3rd in the open bitch class, Henry Winning Best of Opposite for 1 GCH point, and Matty taking select dog. Henry’s GCH point was his 4th on the year. Jonesy acted like a goof-dog and didn’t show very well. Yoda and I told him to get his stuff together before Sunday.

On Sunday, Yoda and my pep talk must have worked because Jonesy showed much better than he did on Saturday. He unfortunately is still looking for his final GCH major.  In border collies, Henry took select dog and Matty was Best of Opposite. This gave Matty his final single required for his GCH, he needs just one more major to finish his GCH. But as you can tell by the title, the big winner of the weekend was Izzy, Wimzical Wild Wonderful Trucolorz. Izzy won Winners Bitch for a 4 point major under Guy Jeavons. This was Izzy’s first major and with this win she has 14 points needing just one more major to finish her Championship.

I was very proud of everyone for their successful weekend. Check back next week for how our next show went. We are traveling to Marrietta OH for 3 days of intense showing. You will get to meet new dogs next week.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eaton OH

Jonesy just before taking his second group placement of 2011!
Jasper in the Sporting Group!

Saturday was the start of the two day Fort St Clair Kennel Club shows in Eaton OH. Eaton OH is just 14 miles from Indiana just passed Dayton. Traveling with us were my friends Jonesy, Jasper, Matty, Henry, and Faith. The day started with Matty taking Select dog for 1 GCH point. Henry showed great but was unable to get any points Saturday. Jasper continued the winning trend by taking winners dog/best of winners/best of breed for 1 point. This was Jaspers second point and second breed win. Faith showed well for her class, but let down a little in winners bitch. Since it was only her second weekend out, we were still pleased with her performance. Jonesy was last to show Saturday and he had some tuff competition. He won the Breed for 2 GCH points. Both Jasper and Jonesy were headed to the sporting group under Dr J Donald Jones. There were some good dogs in the group and both Jasper and Jonesy showed well. Jonesy surprised everyone with a GROUP 2, defeating 88 dogs. This was Jonesy second group placement of the year. Jonesy has defeated 223 dogs this year so far.

Sunday started the exact same way as Saturday. Matty took select dog for 1 GCH point. This gives Matty 21 GCH points with 2 of his 3 majors. Jasper took reserve Winners Dog. Jonesy took BOS for 1 GCH point. This gives Jonesy 23 GCH points with 2 of his 3 majors. The big winner of the day was 8 month old Faith. Faith took winners bitch for 2 points. This was her first points in only her second weekend out. Faith is the first in her litter to be pointed. So overall my friends did great this weekend. Chris and Leslie are very proud of everyone. Check back for pictures of the big wins.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Faith’s First

This past weekend, we traveled to Timonium MD for two days of showing. There was Springer sweepstakes and supported entry, so my friend Faith was shown. Faith is just 8 months old and this was her first real show. A few weeks ago Faith showed in a puppy match and did well, but this weekend was her debut. She showed in both sweeps and regular classes, placing in all her classes but one. Faith showed really well for it being her first show. Chris and Leslie are excited to continue showing her and watching her improve each week. Faith was not the only one of my friends to make the long trip, but Matty and Henry also came along and each picked up a GCH Select Dog placement. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a large enough entry for them to get any points but its nice to be recognized anyway. Chrissy was also shown one day, but did not get any placements. Overall, the weekend was not too bad. It was a great experience for Faith and good practice for everyone else. This next weekend we will be traveling to the Eaton OH shows for two days.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Canada 2011

canada background
My Friends that took the trip to Canada last year. Yoda, Jonesy, and Quiz all finished their CAN CH. 

I am happy to announce that Riverview Handling L.L.C. will be taking its second trip to Canada. This summer Chris and Leslie will head up north just as they did last year. Last year Chris and Leslie finished Jonesy, Quiz, and Yoda’s Canadian Championships. It was a very successful trip will all 4 dogs taking a group placement. This summer they look to continue their success. The plans are still being worked out but they anticipate to show 11-13 shows between June 25 – July 4, 2011. Chris and Leslie are currently taking a list of interested dogs for this years trip. If you are interested in sending your dog with them to Canada to compete for its Canadian Championship you can find contact information at, or email

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Concord NC

Faith 1st Match
Kalwa's Element of Faith - "Faith"

This past weekend my friends and I traveled to Concord North Carolina. This week was Chris’s spring break so we went down for four days. On the first day Chris showed Matty, Henry, and Jonesy. Henry went BOS for his first grand championship point, Matty was select dog but unfortunately did not get any points, and Jonesy showed great but it was not his day. On Friday, Matty and Henry were there only ones entered. Matty won BOS for 2 GCH points and Henry was unable to add to his GCH total.  Friday was also exciting because Faith, the English Springer Spaniel puppy Chris and Leslie have been working with was at the show to show in a Match Friday evening. Faith did great! She won the breed in the match and fought hard in the group, but unfortunately did not get a group placement. However, Chris and Leslie were very proud of how well faith did considering it was her first time in a ring!

On Saturday, Leslie was at the show with Izzy. Izzy took another major reserve. This is Izzy’s 3rd major reserve in her short career. Henry took select dog for another GCH point, and Yoda took the breed. Unfortunately, Matty was too interested in Izzy because she was in heat, but he still showed well. On Sunday, Henry took another select dog for 1 GCH point. This gives Henry 3 GCH points and all three champions defeated all in his first full weekend as special. Izzy, Matty, Chrissy, and Jonesy were all showed and showed great but none walked out of the ring with any points.

Overall, my friends did really well this weekend. Chris and Leslie are very proud of everyone and look forward to their next show in Birch Run MI later this week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blue Brothers Dominate at York PA

This weekend we were in York PA for the weekend of a 5 day circuit. We had to go late cause Chris and Leslie had to work. When we got there we were all excited and ready to go. This week I traveled with Chrissy, Jonesy, Yoda, Izzy, Matty, Henry, and Faith. This was Faith’s first trip in Herc, but she did great. We had big plans for everyone.  There were majors for Izzy, and an outside shot that Chrissy could also get her final major. There were large GCH points available for both Jonesy and Matty. Henry could finish with just one win.

Saturday, the day started early with Goldens and Border Collies going about the same time. Unfortunately Chrissy on got 3rd in her class and Jonesy did not make the cut. We were disappointed they didn’t win, but pleased with how they both showed.  Chris and Leslie went down to the Border Collie Ring to show the “ Border Patrol”. Henry went out and showed great. He showed better than he ever had. Henry took Winner’s Dog for 2 points, which meant that he finished. We were so happy the day could have ended there and we would have had a great day. Henry is owned by Debbie and Alex Belcher and was bred by Izzy and Matty’s owner. Henry followed in his brothers footsteps and finished his Championship in less that 6 months. Izzy unfortunately did not place in her class, but showed very well. With all the excitement Matty decided he could not let his brother take all the glory of the day, instead Matty went Best of Breed over one of the top border collies the last few years. Matty beat a 3 time best of breed winner at the prestigious Westminster KC. This was a 5 point GCH major.

Sunday, Chrissy had the day off. And Jonesy was unable to win again. Izzy took fourth in her class. Henry was moved up to Best of Breed as a special for the first time in his show career. Matty took select dog for a 3 point GCH major.  On the way home, Leslie almost hit a turkey who tried to fly into Herc, it was kind of scary for me. Chris was too busy sleeping to notice what happened. Overall, this weekend was a great weekend for my friends, especially for New CH Henry and for Matty. Matty was able to pick up 8 GCH points in two days. He is well on his way to being a Grand Champion. Leslie and Chris are also very excited to special Henry at select shows and work on his GCH.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Madness

While the college basketball season is wrapping up, we are getting ready for the show season to get kicked into high gear. Leslie and Chris have pretty much planned out their schedule through the end of May. Go check it out at This weekend you can find us in York, PA.

If you look at the schedule you will see we will be on the road a lot. That means we will be spending a lot of time in Hercules. For those who don’t know Hercules, or Herc, as we call him, is a 2005 GMC Savannah Box Truck that has been retro-fitted into a show dog luxury sedan. Herc lets me and my friends travel in style to shows, with our chauffeur Leslie or Chris.



Herc as you can tell was an old Penske rental truck, but Leslie and Chris rescued him. They put two air-conditioners, heat alarm, and crates in him to keep us comfortable. Herc’s heat alarm is set up to make sure we stay cool even at the hot outdoor summer shows. The heat alarm can page Chris up to 2 miles away, although he is never that far. Herc even has a futon, or I think that is what Leslie call its. I call it a bed, cause I get to take naps in it while we are at the shows. 

So check back next week to find out how the show went this weekend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jonesy’s Brag AD!!!

Jonesy’s brag ad is now up on Everything Golden, Check out the February edition today.
Unfortunately, this past weekend in Greenville SC was not as successful as Chris and Leslie had hoped. Jonesy was able to pick up another Grand Championship Select Dog for 1 point. This gives Jonesy 20 GCH points with two majors. 
Chris and Leslie are looking forward to the next few weekends off, before hitting the show circuits hard the end of March.  If you are interested in learning more about Chris and Leslie’s handling and schedule, check out and click on Riverview Handling LLC.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jonesy #13 and Ellie #1

I just wanted to give everyone an update about my friends. According to the AKC report Feb 2. 2011. AM/CAN CH Evergreens Smarty Jones is the # 13 golden retriever using the all breed ranking system in the country.  His win in Fredericksburg VA helped to propel him near the top of the rankings. Chris and Leslie are very excited! Jonesy will try to add to his total this weekend in Greenville SC.
Ellie, GCH Bolero Gentle Gisele of Briarcliff Pointe, is the #8 Standard Schnauzer and the #1 Standard Schnauzer bitch. Ellie ended up the #19 GCH ranked Standard Schnauzer in 2010. She accomplished this in just 4 months as she did not finish her CH until August. Congratulations to Ellie, Jean and Bobby for their success. We can’t wait to see what else this year brings for them. Ellie, just back from WKC is taking a well deserved break, and will be back in action mid march. So keep your eyes open for these wonderful dogs!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Westminster Kennel Club

Once a year dogs from around the country and the world converge on New York City for the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club.  Last year my brother Yoda and friend Jonesy were entered and shown. This year we decided to watch from home. While Chris and Leslie missed being there with all their friends, it was nice to be able to just sit back, relax, and enjoy watching the second oldest sporting event in the United States. Of course they had their favorites they were rooting for. Some were Westminster veterans and some were first timers.

GCH Bolero Gentle Gisele of Briarcliff Pointe "Ellie"

One of the first timers they were especially excited to root for was Standard Schnauzer GCH Bolero Gentle Gisele of Briarcliff Pointe, "Ellie". Ellie is owned by Jean and Bobby Cline from Huntington WV. Ellie and Jean were one of Chris and Leslie’s first conformation students. In the last year and a half, Chris and Leslie have watch Jean and Ellie grow to be a great team. In that time, Ellie and Jean finished both their CH and GCH. They also ended up in the Top 20 GCH ranked Standard Schnauzer in the US in 2010, and were the #1 GCH ranked Standard Schnauzer in WV.

For the first time ever a Scottish Deerhound won BIS. Riverview Handling would like to send a huge congratulation to team Hickory! Hickory, GCH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind, was breed by Cecilia Dove and Dr. Scott Dove, Owned by Sally Sweatt, Cecilia Dove, and Dr. Scott Dove, and shown by Angela Lloyd. It has been said that Hickory is to be retired after the show, and there is no better way to retire than after winning such a huge show.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Indianapolis Day 1

After arriving late Friday night, we started the day bright and early at 5AM.  It was a full day of showing with Goldens, Labs, Papillons, and Border Collies.  My friends were excited!  Chrissy and Jonesy showed good but didn't get any ribbons.  Jasper took 3rd...we were a little disappointed because as always we had hoped for more.  My brother Yoda was the first one to get points in Feburary!  He won BOS for a 4pt GCH major which means brother Yoda is now AM GCH/CAN CH Marquis The Phantom Menace.  Mom and Dad says this is great and that he is the 2nd Marquis Papillon to have the title of GCH!  It looked like Henry showed great today but came out with a red ribbon and Izzy was a little distracted but still showed well and was awarded fourth.

Well, that is all for now folks.  I got to take a few naps today but with being so busy we all sure are tired.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl Weekend

This weekend was a very busy weekend, especially since there were no shows on the schedule. Chris and Leslie took the weekend to get everything ready for the upcoming show in Indianapolis. Everyone, including myself, was washed and groomed. I hate bath days, but everyone else seems to enjoy them.  Besides grooming and bathing everyone, Chris and Leslie worked with Faith, an English Springer puppy that they are very excited to get started in the upcoming months. Leslie has been working hard teaching a conformation class every week. The class gives new exhibitors a chance to learn how to show and train their dogs and also offers seasoned exhibitors the ability to get their young dogs into a show-like setting. The class even gives Chris and Leslie a chance to work with client or prospective clients dogs.

This weekend was also the Superbowl, so Chris and Leslie invited their families over to watch the game and spend time together. It was a lot of fun with a ton of food. Yoda and I had to stay in the office most of the time, because we keep trying to eat all the food.

Well, I think its time I took a nap, but check back for updates from this weekend’s shows in Indianapolis.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Recap

AM/CAN CH Evergreen Smarty Jones

Riverview Handling started the year in Tallmadge, OH for the first shows of the year. Yoda, AM/CAN CH Marquis The Phantom Menace (papillon), started the year off with a BOB for 2 Grand Champion Points. Jonesy, AM/CAN CH Evergreens Smarty Jones (Golden Ret.), went select dog two days for 2 more Grand Champion Points. The border collie crew (Izzy and Henry) and Jasper, Northforks Jasper, all gained valuable experience.
The following weekend the crew was back at it working hard in Fredericksburg VA. It was another good weekend for Yoda, who picked up his second Grand Championship Major. This win leaves him needing just one more major to finish his Grand Championship. Izzy, Wimzical Wild Wonderful Trucolorz (Border Collie) went WB, BOW, BOS over a special for 2 points singling her out. Jonesy continued the hot start with a solid BOB over 2010 top ranked golden retrievers for his second Grand Championship major. He then went on to get a group 4 in a very competitive group. This was Jonesy 3rd group placement, 2nd in the US.  Jonesy’s sister, Evergreens Charismatic, Chrissy, took second in a nice open class. This was one of the first shows back for Chrissy since having her puppies.
To finish January, Jonesy, Chrissy, Yoda,  Jasper, and Matty (CH Trucolorz Traveler to Wimzical, Border Collie) took a trip to West Friendship MD. After a long weekend there were some nice placements won, with Jasper taking RWD.  Matty picked up two very nice Select Dog for 2 more Grand Champion points.
The past month has been a busy one and unfortunately the handlers have taken it the hardest, both getting sick. Luckily we are off the next two weekends to recover and prepare for Indianapolis.

Here are the most up-to-date point counts for our dogs.

Yoda now has 31 grand championship points and was the #1 grand championship papillon in WV in 2010. He needs one more major to finish he GCH.

Jonesy has 19 GCH points with two majors. He needs 1 more major and a total of 6 more points to finish his GCH. Jonesy was also the #1 GCH Golden Retriever in WV in 2010.

Matty has 8 GCH points. He was the #1 GCH Border Collie in WV in 2010.

Henry (Trucolorz Blue Hen of Wimzical, Border Collie) has 14 Championship points. He needs one more single to finish his US Championship.

Izzy has 10 championship points and needs two majors to finish her championship.

Jasper has 1 point towards his championship, but his future is bright with 3 reserves in only 3 months of showing.

Chrissy has 16 championship points, but needs that final major to finish her championship.