Monday, December 29, 2014

Correction in December

It has been brought to my attention that I forgot to put one of my buddy's wins down for December.

Danny the sheltie won 2 three point GCH majors in Winston Salem.  He is doing very well since finishing his GCH in August.

Sorry Danny...I will try to do better in 2015.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas/Happy New Year

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and  a even better New Year!!!



Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 2014

Well, the year has ended!

We made two trips in December.

1st to Winston Salem, NC
Target won her class both days.
Moxie placed both days.
Henry was select on Sunday
Albert was 4th and 2nd in open.
Rifle was select on Sunday for his 3rd GCH major
Bullitt the papillon was 2nd and 1st/WD/BOW/BOB for his first two points his first weekend out!

Bullitt after winning his first BOB and 2 points!
Owned By Darnell and Linda Martens

Then the last dog show of the year was upon us....We went to Cleveland, OH and actually didn't freeze to death or get snowed on.  That might be the first time that has ever happend.

Henry the golden was 4th
Moxie recieved two 4ths
Edith 3 first places
Henry won a select and BOB
Dixie a 4th and 3rd place
Bullitt 2 major reserves and a WD for 4 points!  In two weekends he is up to 6 points.  WOW!

Hope you all have a great Holiday Season and we will see you in 2015!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Savannah GA

We took a rare trip to Georgia.

Only down fall of the trip was Herc decided to blow his starter out but it was fixed early Friday.  Thank goodness!

Christmas time in Savannah

Albert was awarded BOW on Friday and Sunday for his first two points!
Rifle won select two days for 2 points

Target was BOW/BOS over a special on Saturday for her 3rd point

Burner was RWB two days

Faith was BOS all three days for 2 points

Henry was awarded Select BOS and BOB for a total of 5 points

Amy and Beth made sure we had a great trip!  It will go down in the books as one of the best. Kelsey came along to help too and she made life easier and always funnier.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tallmadge, OH

It was cold snowy and rainy in Ohio. 

Henry the golden was awarded 3rd and 2nd in large classes.

Jazzy was 2nd both days in Am bred.

Faith won BOS on Sunday.

Not too much excitement but we picked up a couple new dogs and going somewhere we hardly ever go next!  Watch out!!!!


3 days in race city!

We spent 3 days in Concord, NC.

Rifle was select dog on Friday.

Henry won the breed all 3 days!

Target won her class on Sunday (it was very strong)

Danny won a GCH major by going Select on Sunday.

Henry the golden placed in his class all 3 days.

Moxie won the major in goldens on Saturday!

Marty was select dog and BOS on the weekend shown great by his new friend Kelsey Martin.

It was a fun trip and succesful trip.


Moxie winning her first major owned by Debbie & Jeff Thomson


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Winston Salem, NC

Peggy & Leslie took us to NC this past weekend.

Waiting to go show!

Peggy finished Sis's GCH on Saturday with her 4th major.  Good going Peggy!  We also got to meet Ellie Mae for the first time and she is a doll. 

On Saturday we picked up a few ribbons but nothing great.

Target on the move Sunday in NC

Sunday was much better.  Leslie helped Amy Wall win the breed from the classes with one of her labs.

Target was awarded WB/BOS for a point and Henry the golden was RWD under breeder judge Carl Liepmann.

Target's win photo!

We are going back to NC again this weekend...that makes 3 weeks in a row!!! Maybe we should move there?!?1?


GRCA National 2014 Fletcher, NC

We attended the GRCA national this year in Fletcher, NC.

It was a week full of fun and friends.

Jonesy made the final cut in his 8-10 sweeps class in very strong compeition.

Jonesy after making the final cut in the 8-10 sweeps class

Target and Amy made the cut in 12-15 bitch sweeps.

Amy and Target after making the cut in 12-15 sweeps

Slater was in 4th place in AM Bred until the last minute and then ended up 5th but we are so proud of this young dog!

Chatter made the cut in her 12-15 bitch class

Kenya showed beautifully in the open bitch class.

Sammy didn't make a fool of Leslie both times he showed.

Bokay, Chatter, and Target enjoyed showing in brood bitch.

Rifle made the first cut in his BOB group.

Rifle on the move in BOB.  Thank you Candice Verduce for the photo.

Grandpa Bill also qualified with all 3 of his dogs and earned some placements too!

We are looking forward to Ohio next year! Maybe it won't snow. ;-)

It snowed on BOB day at the national :(


Cumberland, MD

I know everyone I'm way behind but I can't keep up with Leslie and the guys...they are just going going going like the energizer bunny!

Henry winnin BOB at KC of Columbus IN the end of September

I will give you a recap from Cumberland, MD first.

We went for three days and Leslie brough this nice girl named Kelsey to work for the weekend.

Kelsey picked up 3 GCH majors on her pointer! Way to go Aj!

Henry won 3 Bob's

Marty was awarded a BOS

Oliver was awarded a Select and went home at the end of the weekend.  We miss him!

Chatter and Target both won their classes two days and showed well.

Sammy made an apperance on Sunday and won his first ribbon.

Danny was awarded 3 BOS's

Jazzy won her 2nd point on Friday

Faith was awarded 3 BOS's

We had a fun weekend and actually didn't freeze like we usually do. :)

Leslie enjoying a crab pizza...yummy!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Starting October with a new title!

We got rained on, wind blown, some sleet, and a little sun this past weekend in Aliquippa, PA.

It was well worth it though.

Henry the border collie won 2 BOB's for a total of 7 points.
Henry the golden won WD for 2 points bringing him up to 8.
Faith was awarded two selects.
Jazzy a 2nd and 1st.
Oliver select to finish his GCH!

Oliver after finishing his GCH October 2014

Oliver is title number 8 for #teamriverview during 2014.

We are looking forward to see what the rest of the year holds! 


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ediburgh, IN

This past weekend we were in Edinburgh, IN where the corn fields meet the outlet mall!

The girls had a fun celebration for Leslie's 29th birthday that was a few days before.

Girls weekend in Indiana to celebrate Leslie's birthday

We were up and at it early Saturday morning before the sun rised!

Faith BOS 1pt
Slater RWD
Chatter 2nd
Henry 3rd
Henry BOB 5pts

Nothing in the group for Henry but both days our friend Nicole won a group 4 with her very cool Bouvier.

Slater & Leslie soaking up the sun during the last few days of Summer 2014

The rain held off for Sunday....

Faith select
Slater RWD
Henry WD/BOW 1pt
Chatter 2nd
Henry BOS 3 pts
Danny select 1 pt

We had success and loads of fun this weekend!  Leslie would like to thank Pam, Nancy, and her mom for helping her celebrate her birthday in style.

Enjoy some photos from this weekend and Oliver's lovely BOB photo from Lexington, KY.
Oliver winning BOB during the Lexington, KY circuit over Labor Day 2014

See you somewhere soon!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Clermont County

We took a short drive to Clermont County in Ohio with just a couple dogs. 

On Saturday we got to sleep in and relax before starting to show in the afternoon.

Jazzy (lab) 1st
Oilver (golden) BOB

Later that evening in the match Sammy took a spin around the ring for the first time and was 2nd.  Look for him to make a couple more appearances in the next month or so.

A Candid of Oilver in the group ring at the Clermont County Shows Sept. 2014

On Sunday we started way too early at 8AM.  It was cool and the grass was still wet.

Jazzy (lab) 1st
Bo (golden) 2nd
Oilver (golden) BOB

We are very excited about how well Oilver has been doing the past 3 weeks in a short matter of time he now needs 1pt to finish his GCH.  We sure hope he is done by the end of September...wouldn't that be a nice birthday present for Leslie?!??!

We will be at home resting this weekend but will be back in action soon!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Labor day in Lexington, KY!

Oilver after winning a huge BOB in Lexington, KY
Supported entry Judge: Barbara Pepper

We enjoyed the heat and rain for labor day in Lexington, Ky this year.  We were happy to be inside showing so we didn't get wet and could stay cool.

We showed for 3 days and were very tired afterwards.

Saturday started with a bang with Henry the border collie winning a very nice BOB.
Faith (springer) showed great but didn't recieve anything at the supported entry.
Then much later in the day we moved to the golden retriever supported entry.  Target was awarded a very nice RWB and Oilver picked up an amazing 5GCH winning an awesome BOB over some top ranked specials!  Thank you breeder judge Barbara Pepper!

Sunday everyone showed great and Henry the border collie was awarded a nice select.

Monday we were all getting slower as the days went.  Faith and Henry were awarded selects.

Henry doing his thing on Monday in Lexington, KY.
Thank you Shawna Wells for the photos.

We are headed to Clermont County in Ohio this weekend.  It has been quite a few years since we have been to this show. We hope the weather is perfect for this trip!

We will check back with you to let you know how September continues for the gang!


Friday, August 29, 2014

Back in the river city!

We headed back to the river city this past weekend in Huntington, WV.  Sadly we got stuck in a huge rain storm and didn't make it to the building Friday night but the results were more than worth it!
Oilver winning a group 4!

Leslie and the gang had 8 dogs to show this weekend.

Saturday results
BO (golden) 2nd
Target (golden) 1st/RWB
Henry (border collie) BOB
Danny (sheltie) BOB
Jazzy (lab) 1st
Henry (golden) 1st/WD/BOW
Faith (springer) select
Oilver (golden) BOB/Grp 4

Danny and Oilver both picked up much needed GCH majors!  We are estatic that Oilver is now a group placing golden.

Candid before getting the actual photo!  Look at that head!

Sunday results
Faith (springer) select
Oliver ( golden) select
Target (golden) 1/WB/BOS *For her 1st point*
Bo (golden) 2nd
Henry (golden) 1/WD/BOW/BOB *Brings him quickly to 5 ponts*
Jazzy (lab) 1/WB/BOS *For her 1st point*
Danny (sheltie) BOB *Finishes his GCH*
Henry (border collie) BOB/Group 4

Target's 1st point! 12 months of age

That gives Henry the border collie 2 group placements this year!  Oilver now sits at 15 GCH poins with 10 to go.  Will we find 5 more for him?!?!?  Leslie and Oilver have been working hard so we shall see.

The past two weeks we have had 3 dogs start the quest towards their CH.  It is nice to have Danny's GCH completed and he will slowly go towards his Bronze GCH now. Faith has had a great summer and is over half way through her Bronze GCH.

It is almost the end of the unofficial summer but Riverview has had a great summer with exciting new things.  Like our brand new 5500 onan generator that is going to make life much easier and cooler on all of us! Dogs that have finished and just begun!  Thank you to everyone that has helped or had dogs shown we have had a blast!

The brand new generator!

Until all of ur win photos come from this past weekend enjoy these few candids!


Monday, August 18, 2014

Another weekend in Ohio!

Seems we have been spending alot of time in Ohio!

This weekend we weren't too far though just in St. Clairsville.  The weather on Saturday was beautiful not as nice on Sunday but hey what do you do about it but go on huh????

Saturday started out with Jazzy the lab winning RWB.  We really feel she is getting ready to break the ice and win some points!
Danny the sheltie was awarded Select.
Henry the golden 3rd
Target 1st


Danny (sheltie) select
Jazzy (lab) 1st
Target (golden) 1st
Henry (golden) 1st/WD/BOW for his first two points!

Target on the move!

While Oliver didn't bring any ribbons home this weekend he showed amazing on Sunday and Leslie always says thats all you can ask for.  Target is really coming out of her shell too and showing great.

Check out these candid photos thanks to Melissa Jarvis.

See you on the road soon!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Canfield, OH

We started August out in Canfield, OH.  Not one of our favorite places to go because like most years it can be HOT one minute and POURING the rain the next minute and it again was that.

Leslie started out with Henry first thing at 8AM on Saturday and he won a huge BOB and earned 5 more GCH points towards his Silver!  He didn't get anything in group but was fun making it that far at this huge circuit.

Henry winning a group 3 under Judge: Keke Kahn May 2014

Faith was awarded select putting her at 50GCh points and half way to her bronze! 

The next day Henry had fun showing in the sprinkling rain.

Faith was again awarded select and now sits at 52 GCH points.

Oliver showed well both days but didn't win any ribbons.

We are home this weekend and then we hit the road for the next 4 weeks.

Catch ya later!


Thursday, July 31, 2014


Somehow I have totally missed updating you guys on July!

We started the month in the river city at Huntington KC during July 4th weekend.  Leslie had lots of dogs to show and we had some fun with friends! 
Jazzy the lab was reserve
Henry the border collie select
Henry the golden reserve

The next weekend we headed to the beauitful lake Erie in Madison, OH where the site is grogeous its usually hot or rainy and the bugs are bad.  Yup, we had all of it this year! 
Oliver picked up his first BOB over a top 10 golden and made a cut in a large sporting group
Henry the border collie was BOS and BOB

Lake Erie in Madison, OH

We then spent a weekend at home relaxing and preparing for a big and long trip to SC!

We went to greenville for all four all breed shows this year!  Leslie also had the great help of Tyler Wells and his girl Maura on this trip.  They won 1 BJ a rwb a wb for 2 points and a 1st in juniors.
Faith was BOS all four days
Henry the golden (HG) was in the ribbosn everyday
Target won her class all 4 days

Target on her way to winning 1st in 9-12 during the Greenville, SC circuit

It was so nice of Amy to let us hang out at her house....its really nice and dog friendly!

I will try to do better about keeping you up to date during the month of August. :)  We also have a new dog at our house that Leslie is working hard to see how she does the next couple weeks.  Wait until you hear who it is!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lima, OH and Birthday!

We headed to Lima, OH last weekend and then on Monday it was my birthday!  I am officially 13..woohoo!  PARTY! :)

It was hot and rainy in Lima.  On Saturday Henry the border collie was select for 3 points.

On Sunday Oliver was select for 2 points.

Hope to see you guys in Huntington this weekend.

Here is Marty's official win photo from GPGRC.

Happy fourth of July!


Monday, June 23, 2014

The Tale of Two Cities

We headed back to New Caslte, PA for the 4 specilaties in two days!  GPGRC and CVGRC "The Tale of Two Cities".

It started out rainy and didn't stop until the the 2nd specialty was almost over with.  We sure had loads of fun though!

Thursday AM
Albert 1st
Splash 2nd
Marty Made the Cut
BO 4th

Thursday PM
Albert 1st
BO 3rd
Henry 3rd
Splash 2nd
Marty BOS

Friday AM
Albert 1st
Splash 2nd

Firday PM
Albert 1st
Splash 1st

We brought home lots of ribbons and spent some time with good friends.  But you saw the big news Marty won Best of Opposite under Rita Bell.  We are super excited about this!  Leslie says it was very exciting to win with one breeder and her family there to see.  Look at the candid shot mawmaw is in it! 

Marty winning BOS at GPGRC #1 specialty June 2014

Look for us in Ohio next week. If you are lucky you will meet a new dog too!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fletcher NC & Morgantown, WV

Well, I have to update you on the past two weeks!  We have been pretty busy and I have had no time to type.

Our first show in June was Asheville KC in Fletcher, NC it was a beautiful trip until it rained and ya know the south has some nasty red clay mud! Yuck!  But we survived and had some good results.

Target on the move at 10 months old

Albert 1st 6-9
Connor showed well his first time with Leslie he is still learning the ropes
Target 1st 9-12
Rifle Select dog for his first GCH major!

Secret 1st Am bred

Faith BOB

Albert 1st/rwd for a major not bad for his first weekend!
Connor showed even better but still no ribbon
Target 1st
Rifle BOS for his second GCH major and 1st Ch defeat....he picked up 6 points this weekend

Secret 4th

Faith BOB

Albert winning a major reserve form 6-9 under Jamie Hubbard

Had a nice drive home and we were glad our next trip was shorter than this one.

On Friday we headed to Morgantown, WV for the Greater Clarksburg KC. 

On Saturday
Jazz 2nd 12-18

Henry 2nd
London 1st/RWB
Marty Select
Albert 1st/rwd/best puppy in breed and best puppy in show! We are thrilled with the success Albert has had in a short amount of time.

Jazz 1st 12-18

Henry 2nd
ALbert 1st/ Rwd

Albert winning BPIS at 9 months old Judge Joyce Fortney

We have had a very short week preparing for the golden specialties in PA. We will let you know how those go in a few days. :)  Enjoy the photos from the past two weeks!


Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial Day

We spent memorial day weekend in New Castle, PA.  We tried to relax some and take in the great weather!

On Saturday BO won Best Bred in Breed.  Faith was select bitch.
On Sunday Lizzie was Select Bitch
On Monday Marty was Select dog.

Only a few dogs went this weekend but it was nice to just get to relax some with all of them and not be rushing around all day!

We are heading back to the south soon!  Check us out with a few returning dogs and maybe some new ones too.

Relaxing at the shows with my buddy!

Here we are hanging out Monday morning!


Monday, May 19, 2014

New titles 5 and 6 came the same day!!!

We were off to Marietta, OH...such a short drive for us!

It rained the whole way up but after that it sure was pretty maybe a little chilly but pretty.

The goldens were have back to back specialites and sweepstakes!

Saturday results!
Henry (border collie) BOB he then on to win a group 3
Faith BOS
Danny BOB
Slater 2nd in sweeps 1st/RWD in regular
Chatter 1st and BOSS in sweeps and 1st in regular
BO 2nd in bred by
Henry (golden) 3rd first time in open
Jazzy 1st
Lizzie 3rd
Marty select dog earning his last GCH major needed

Peggy was BOB with her pointer Sis!

After some much needed rest we were up at 5 to walk and groom everyone!

Sunday Results!
Henry (border collie) select
Faith BOS
Danny BOB
Jazzy 1st
Slater 1st in sweeps 2nd in regular
Chatter 3rd in sweeps 1st in regular
BO 1st/RWD
Marty select earning 2pts and he needed 1 to finish his GCH NEW TITLE #6 FOR TEAMRIVERVIEW

Peggy again won BOB with Sis!

We are estatic about how well our weekend went.  Marty almost finished his GCH a year to date from finishing his CH.  We are looking forward to seeing what he can acomplish before he takes a break later this summer.  We are also very excited that Lizzie finished her Championship...she wanted to go out in style winning her 4th major and at a specialty to boot!

See ya after Memorial Day folks!  Enjoy Henry's candid photo from Saturday until lots of official win shots come in! 

Henry's candid photo of his group 3 this past weekend!


Monday, May 12, 2014

4th new title of the year!!!

Well, I told myself I wouldn't get behind but I did.  I need to update you on two shows we have been too!

We attended the new site and dates for the Black Diamond Cluster. 

Marty picked up 2 GCH points being awarded 2 selects
BO showed 1 day and picked up 1pt from Bred By
Danny showed awesome but didn't win anything
Lizzie showed well and got a couple placements but still needs that last single
Target came up from the south and showed great progess in her showing ability and her brother rifle had fun with Amy in the specials ring
Miranda was awarded reserve on saturday and was the big winner winning WB on Sunday for a 3pt major that finished her!

Congrats to Jessica on an all CH litter!!! Thank for letting us be apart of the dream.

Then we went to Bucyrus, OH for a small show.

Henry was awarded select and BOB on sunday for 1GCH point not bad for only being shown twice so far in 2014
Willy showed well but didn't win anything
Jazzy came out for her first weekend and showed well but didn't win anything
Slater had fun in the ring and won his class both days
Giggles was wb on Saturday for 1pt and RWB on Sunday.

Look for us in Marietta, OH this weekend.  Looks like a string full of dogs for the weekend!


Monday, April 21, 2014

O-H-I-O State

We were in Columbus, OH this past easter weekend.

The goldens had a specialty and there were two all breed shows!

During Saturdays All Breed Show
Danny was select for a point
Slater was 2nd and have fun getting back out in the ring
Chatter was 2nd
Lizzie 4th

Golden Specialty on Saturday
Slater 1st
Chatter 3rd (she was a bad girl in the afternoon)
Lizzie 3rd

Then came Sunday goldens were bright and early at 8:45.

Slater was 3rd and maybe a little too happy
Chatter was 1st and got a strong look for reserve
Lizzie 2nd

Chatter headed home with her mom and dad for a couple weeks and Slater came to boot camp for a couple weeks.  We will see how much he can learn in a short amount of time!

Lizzie has one more weekend with Leslie to try and get her final CH point.

Leslie also brought another dog home to show next weekend I can't wait to see how she does. ;-)

Hope everyone had a great Easter!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We ended March in Harrisburg at the Rally National Championship.  Henry, BO, and Yoda all scored over a 90 each time in the ring.  No ribbons for us but it was an exciting time!

We started April in Pittsburgh, PA!

It was a short trip we left early Saturday moring since we had a late show time and headed back late Sunday with another late show time.

Leslie showed a standard schanuzer special for a lady and on Saturday was awarded a GCH select at the specialty for 5 points!  This was Bubbles first GCH points.

This is how the goldens did...

BO 4th
Whitey 4th
Chatter 1/RWB 3pt major her first day out!
Lizzie 3rd

BO 3rd
Whitey 3rd
Chatter 1st
Lizzie 1/WB/BOS 2 points

This was Lizzie and Chatter's first weekend out and they shined bright!  Lizzie now needs 1 single to finish her CH.  Maybe at one of the shows in the next 2 weeks she will get it. :)

Look for a couple new dogs to make appearances during April and May.  Leslie says she is excited to see what the shows hold for the next couple months.


Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

It is the time of year for March madness!  All you hear about on tv is basketball games and the dog show season is in full stride by now!

Saturday evenings sunset at the NC state Fairgrounds

We headed to the tarheel circuit this past weekend and had a really great time!

Saturday results
BO 1/RWD at the Tarheel GRC specialty
Matty BOS 2pts
Whitey 0 but showed well
Target 1st in sweeps with Owner Amy Gates and 1st in all breed and went on to win Best Puppy in Specialty

A collage of photos courtsey of The Gates Family and John Tibbs

Sunday results
Matty BOS 2pts
Whitey & Rifle showed great but weren't the judges cup of tea.
Target won her class again

Also, my brother Yoda showed at the first annual Tarheel GRC all breed obedience and rally trial and placed 2nd in the rally novice B class with a superb score of 99. Go Yoda!

The past two weeks sure have been busy but fun too!  Now lets hope tomorrow is the last snow and spring will really come along now.  I dislike cold weather.

Maybe you will see a new dog or two in next months lineup.  Check back soon for more information.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Run for the roses?

Oh! It't not that time of year yet!  It is getting that time though and the dog show season is in full swing now with March madness and all.

We spent 3 days in Louisville, Ky and the weather was great until Sunday and then it got gross!

Leslie had 7 dogs to show this weekend!

Marty showed great the two days he was entered.

Whitey did well for his first weekend and made the cut in a large open class the second day under a breeder judge.

Whitey owned by Vonnie Peterson in Louisville, KY March 2014

Target got better each day her first weekend out!

Rifle was kind of a poopy head but we will let it slide.

Faith swept the BOS's in springers picking up 11 GCH points!

Faith after winning one of her four BOS's in Lousiville March 2014

Danny showed great!

Leslie always showed Jessica's pap Miranda two days and won WB/BOS over 4 specials for 5 points!  WOW!!!!

Leslie and Amy showed Chatter and Target in the first ever Eukanuba Puppy Futurity and they had tons of fun!

Target & Chatter sniffing each other during the 1st Puppy Futurity!

Leslie  also showed with Tyler in the breeder stakes and won 2nd place in the working group!

Fun fun of to tarheel country!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Auburn, IN

This past weekend we went to Auburn, IN for Logansport KC.  We had never been to this site before but it was very cool!  It was held at a museum with cars and soliders!  Very neat!

On Saturday Marty was awarded BOS for 2 points giving him 19 GCH points.  One more major and he will be good to go!

Matty was awarded Select dog for 2 points.

On Sunday Marty showed great but didn't get anything.  We thought that may happen but we were working on ring experience and he did great!

Matty was again awarded select for 2 points.

Matty now sits at 104 GCH points.  We wanted a few more to make us feel good about his numbers.

See you in Louisville soon! 

Some of the cars we saw this weekend

One week we are with cars the next week with horses!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spring in the air???

Well, I'm not sure spring will ever be here.  But thankfully we have missed driving in most of these terrible weather by being home the past couple of weeks.  While we are sad to see a mini vacation end we are ready to get back on the road.

While we are off we did find out that Marty was ranked in the top 20 all breed goldens at the end of January. We don't expect him to stay there for February since he was only shown once and didn't win but maybe by the end of spring he will make another appearance in the ranking!

It also came across AKC making it official that Matty is Bronze GCH Trucolorz Traveler to Wimzical CGC.  We think he may be ranked in the breed rankings when February stats come out.  That would be very exciting!  Right now we will wait and see.

Look for us at the shows near you soon.  Leslie has a full schedule the next couple weeks and some new dogs possibly coming up!  You never know what you might see her in the ring with. ;-)

See ya'll soon!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Indy in the Winter!

Well, it keeps snowing and snowing and snowing!  I have about had it with being cold and etc.

We made it out to Indianapolis, IN last week which had a huge snow storm before we went!  The snow was still everywhere!

The trip was well worth it though.

Marty showed one day and even though he didn't make the cut he showed like a rockstar!

Leslie met Chatter for the first time since she was 6 weeks old!  She says she is adorable and will be bringing her home soon.  She also showed Slater for the first time and he had loads of fun even though he was 2nd place.

Danny picked up a select for another two points.  The majors keep breaking on him. :(

The big winner of the weekend was Matty which pending AKC verification will be knows as Bronze GCH Trucolorz Traveler To Wimizical, CGC!!!!  He won BOB both days.  The first day for 5 points and the second day for 4 points bringing him to a total of 100 points!  WOOHOO!  This was a big goal for us last year and even though we didn't reach it, it is nice to obtain it quickly in 2014.  Matty picked up his last 15 points in 2 months!

That brings #teamriverview to 3 new titles for 2014!!!!

Here is a candid shot of Matty!

Matty after winning one of his 2 BOB's in Inday 2/2014

Maybe you will hear from me sometime but we aren't showing until March.  Mom says something about needed to get the taxes done...I dunno I'm just going to sleep for awhile and stay warm.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Just wanted to drop in a give you some big news. 


It is official GCH Kalwa's Elements of Faith is the first springer to finish her GCH in 2014!!!  January 11, 2014 is the official date.

Nancy is crying, faith is jumping around, and Leslie is proud of the hard work they put in to get it.  Good job ladies!

Check out the official win photo from that special day.

New GCH Faith!

You heard it here first folks!



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2nd new title of 2014 for #teamriverview

WOW!  We are done showing for January 2014 and we already have 2 new titles for #teamriverview in 2014!!!!  One champion and one grand champion.

We headed to Harriman, TN for the Oak Ridge KC this passed weekend.  It was nice seeing some country we had not seen much of.  The drive to the show was ehh ok dark and somewhat snowy but on the way back it was full of sunshine and beautiful water and mountains.

We started Saturday later than usual at 10AM.  With goldens.  BO won his class and went on to win RWD, Rifle won his class of 5 and went on to win WD/BOW for his final point to finish under judge Paula Hartinger.  Marty won BOS for another GCH point.  Then we waited all afternoon for Matty to show.  He loves showing on dirt and showed great!  He was awarded select dog sadly for no points as another special was excused for not being able to be examined.

Rifle is a CH!

We celebrated Saturday night and moved on to Sunday....

We started much earlier and all of our dogs were lumped closely together.  BO won his class but nothing else that day.  Rifle moved up to BOB and Amy and he won his first GCH point for winning select.  Marty was again awarded BOS for another GCH point putting him at 18.  Then we quickly moved over to the border collie ring and Matty was awarded select for 1 point leaving him needing 9 for his Bronze GCH.

Total number of points #teamriverview brought home in January 2014....28!!!!

Now for a round of what happend in Obedience ring....

BO won his Novice B class both days
Chuck finished his Pre Open title and won his Open B class both days and went on to win Back to Back High In Trial's the first for him!!!!!  We are so very excited about how he performed this past weekend.  Go Chuck!!!!

Chuck's back to back HIT ribbons!!!

You won't be hearing from me until sometime in Febraury we are going to hang out at home for awhile and with all this snow fall today that is probably a good thing!

Stay warm guys!


Monday, January 13, 2014

1st New Title of 2014!

The gang and I headed off to Fredericksburg, VA this weekend.  Thank goodness with the #wvwatercrsis going on at home.

We got up early on Saturday to setup and get Henry in the ring at 8:30.  He was awarded select dog for 5 points!!!!  That is the most you can get in one day.   He now has 129 GCH points.  He also beat 2012's #1 border collie.  We were pretty excited!

Faith and Leslie in the ring on Saturday.
Photo courtsey of Lindsey Racine

Then we moved on to Faith.  Got her all groomed up and looking good.  We knew it would be close on points but hoped she would get something to at least get 1 more point towards her GCH.  Well, she won select bitch and after closely counting it was confirmed she was awarded the two final GCH points she needed!  Faith is the first new title of 2014 for #teamriverview she is now known as GCH Kalwa's Elements of Faith, BOSS!!!!!  Congrats to Nancy and Leslie on this great accomplishment that really didn't take very long to obtain!

Danny picked up 2 more GCH select he showed great and lots of compeition in the ring.

Then came Sunday and we started later so we had some time to relax in the morning.

Henry and Faith didn't fair as well as they did on Saturday but that is ok we still love them!  Danny was awarded select in the afternoon for 1GCH point.  Hopefully soon we will be able to find those last 2 GCH majors he needs.

We are off to TN next weekend for a new show site and new show date.  We will let you know how it goes!


Friday, January 10, 2014

The start of 2014!

Well, we have started 2014!

What a fantastic start we had.  Everydog shown won both days!!!  WOOZERS! 

We started the year in Clemson, Sc and burr was it cold.  The building only had radiant heat an on Saturday it was very cold but we made do.

Matty started by winning his first BOB of the year for a 3pt GCH major.  Rifle was BOW for 1pt and Marty won his BOB for his first GCH major.  Then for icing on the cake Marty was awarded a group 4 in a very strong group!

On Sunday
Matty again won BOB but for only 2GCH points this time.  That gave him 5 points for the weekend brings him up to 90 GCH points 10 more and he will have his bronze GCH.
Rifle again won BOW for 1pt leaving him needing 1pt to finish his CH.
Marty was awarded BOB for his 2nd GCH major.

What a thrilling start to 2014.  We feel it will be a great year!  Maybe a few new titles will be finished in January! ;-)

Until the win shot comes here is a candid of Marty in the group ring for the first time Saturday thanks to Amy Gates!
Marty and Leslie in the group ring for the first time! 1/2014 Photo taken by Amy Gates
