Thursday, October 17, 2013

West Freindship, MD

We started October on a warmer rainy note in West Friendship, MD.  We had not been over there since Feb. 2012.

Henry and Leslie winning BOS at West Friendship, MD Oct. 2013

Started the day with Henry winning a GCH select for 3 points.  BO won his bred by class. Marty made the cut in a strong lineup of specials including BIS winners and top 20 goldens.

Marty wasn't entered on Sunday but BO won his class again and looked good in winners dog.  We hope soon he will finish breaking the ice and pick up some more points!  Henry being the big winner of the weekend picked up a BOS for 2 GCH points.  That puts him at 120....maybe a silver GCH is in his future.

We are off to the beautiful mountains of Cumberland, MD this weekend and then off for two weeks!  I'm excited to sleep and hang out at home for a little while.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sad news

We hate to report that we have lost a family member.  Our Jewel passed away on September 26, 2013 at the age of 14.

Jewel's everything golden ad after the 2011 national.

AM/CAN CH ptd Hytree's Foolish Games, RN,CGC, BVISS "Jewel" will always be known for her smiles and howling and begging for attention.  Such a sweet girl.  She will forever be missed.

RIP Jewel


End of July August and September

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted here!  I know I'm a slacker and prefer to sleep than type.  But I will try to do better.

After Huntington we headed out to Ohio and sat on Lake Erie for the weekend it was just beautiful!  Danny picked up his first GCH major that weekend!

2013 Group Photo taken in July 2013
Marty, Danny, Yoda, and Matty

Here came August and Leslie and the gang headed to Marshall, MI for the first weekend.  BO picked up a point/ best bred by/ and bred by group 3.  Danny picked up 2 GCH points and Matty showed great but didn't win anything.

Leslie headed to Harrisburg, PA with Henry and BO.  BO won his class both days and henry won two selects for 2 points.

Then St. Clairsville, OH came up and it was a nice short drive.  Faith was awarded two selects danny was awarded two selects and Matty won a BOB under the esteemed judge James Moses.

We ended the month back in Huntington showing in rally.  Yes, you heard it here.  My brother Yoda and Marty finished their rally novice titles.  They sure had fun and brought him some pretty ribbons.  Good job boys!

Hello September!  We started out at the beautiful horse park for labor day.  Danny picked up a select and faith was the big winner picking up 2 selects and 2 ch defeats for 7 points!

Leslie had to go out of town for work that week so we spend a relaxing weekend at home.

Then we headed off to Lancaster, OH another short but fun trip.  Matty won 2 bob's and Danny 2 selects!

Leslie headed out to KC of Columbus IN where she says they had some really good food.  I dunno because she sure didn't let me have any.  This was a fun weekend where Nancy and Leslie went to see the Tibbs and evaluated Bokay's puppies...sure was a nice litter!  Faith won a bob for 1 GCH point and Matty showed great but brought home no ribbons.

Then it was fun in Charlotte, NC!  Leslie loves heading to the Piedmont KC shows.  Matty won 2 BOB's for 6 points.  Danny was awarded 2 selects for 2 points. BO won a RWD/Best Bred By/Bred By grp 2.  Rifle was 4th and 2nd.  Ditto was awarded RWB!  Fun fun weekend and great weather!

We are now in October and will be heading to MD soon.  See what fun the rest of the year brings!
