Monday, June 25, 2012

Waynesville & Waynesburg

Well, I missed giving ou all the details from Waynesville, NC so I will let you know what happend in the 2 days there and the 4 days in Waynesburg.

We started the Waynesville trip off crazy on Saturday.  Apparently Izzy got flustered and decided to rip the end of her tail out!!!  Yikes!  So she won't be shown for awhile.  Hopefully when she comes back out she will be going for her medallion.

Henry was Select Dog on Saturday under Paula Hartinger for 2 points.  He didn't pick up anymore points on Sunday but really showed well.

Yoda won the breed on Saturday under Roger Hartinger and was Select the next day under Paula.  So all in all he did very well.

We showed Marty on Saturday and he won his class.  Then on Sunday it was Drogbas turn and he won his class.  Hopefully the boys will pick a few more single points up before they go away for a few months.

Chris and the gang and I left late Wed. to head to Waynesburg, PA...short tirp for us but it was a long and fairly hot 4 days.  Not as hot on the weekend as the first two day but it was pretty darn warm.

Yoda was the only one to show on Thursday and he was select.  On Friday and Saturday he picked up two nice BOB's and Sunday he was Select Dog again. He picked up a total of 6 GCH points this weekend and has a total of 4 BOB's for the month!

Henry showed Friday and Satruday and won both BOB's!  He picked up a total of 4 GCH points in the two days.  Good job Henry!

On the weekend the goldens got to show.  On Saturday BO made an apperance for Sweeps and Regular classes.  He was 2nd in sweeps and 4th in regular classes.  Leslie was proud of how he showed but knows he needs some coat.  Maybe this fall when the other guys are taking a break he can show some.

BoKay was sooooo BAD on Saturday under breeder judge Ken Schlecht.  But he still gave her BOB!  This win finishes her GCH.  Chris is glad they don't have to be chasing a major for her.  She will go home in a few weeks and then we will venture to FL with her this winter.  On Sunday she was Select Bitch.

On Sunday the silly cousins that think they are brothers came out to play.  Leslie showed both Marty and Drogba.  It was the first time Leslie had taken Drogba in the ring for his actual class.  They both showed well but Marty ended up taking WD for 2 points.  At 10 months old he now has 6 points with 1 major!  The prince did well. ;-)

Thankfully it was a short trip home.  We were all so very tired that Yoda and I just passed out.

Herc is getting some work done but will be back for our next trip to PA this weekend.  3 more weekends and Leslie says we get a week off.  WOOHOO!

Here is the latest win photo for Yoda.  Enjoy! 

Yoda winning BOB June 10, 2012 under Johnny Shoemaker
this win completed his Bronze GCH!


Friday, June 15, 2012


We were in North Carolina last weekend for two shows in Fletcher, NC for Asheville KC.

The weather was great!

BoKay's group 2 photo from SIKC

On Saturday

Izzy was Select for no points :(

BoKay picked up her 2nd GCH major by winning Select

Marty won his class

Secret the lab was 3rd

On Sunday

Izzy again was select for no points

Marty won his class

Secret was 2nd/RWB

Yoda was BOB for a 5pt GCH major to complete his Bronze GCH title!  We are so proud of my little brother he really is having an amazing year.

Here are some recent win photos...check em' out!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Corydon, IN

BoKay and Chris winning their first BOB in Marietta, OH May 2012
Gee wiz it is June already!

We headed to Corydon, IN for Southern IN KC.  We had never done this show before so it was nice to go somewhere we haven't been.  It sure was a small little town though!

We had a great trip though!

Saturday results

Chris showed Yoda and they had tons of fun but didn't bring home any ribbons!

BoKay was BOB for 1 GCH point

Marty was RWD

Izzy was Select Bitch for 3 points

Henry was BOB for 5GCH points

Sunday results

Henry BOS for 5GCH points

Izzy Select Bitch for 3 GCH points

Drogba 1st/WD/BOW/BOS for his 2nd point!!!!

BoKay BOB/Grp 2 for 1 GCH point!!!

BoKay and Chris won their first group placement was a very exciting day.

It was a nice short drive home. :)

This weekend we head south...look for more results soon.


May wrap up!

Oh my goodness where has time gone!  I have been awful about posting on here but we have been everywhere!

I let you know how Eaton went the first weekend in May but now I will tell you about the other shows we did.

Yoda is currently the #15 Papillon in the US!
CC Breed Stats 4/30/2012

We went to Bucryus, OH the 2nd weekend in May and Yoda won a very nice BOB over a top 10 papillon.  On Sunday he was select for 1pt.

Matty went a long for the ride and was select dog on Saturday but no points available.  On Sunday Henry was select dog for no points.  Both showed great and it was nice to have Matty back out!

We were off for the 3rd weekend.  Yea can you believe it???  I sure couldn't! ;-)

Chris and I with some dogs went to Marietta, OH for 3 days of shows and Leslie, Yoda, and Henry went to Manassas, VA for 2 days of showing.

Marietta was busy with lots of dogs but thankfully Tyler was able to help!
We started showing CH O'quince Picking Wildflowers "BoKay" again.  She already had 4GCH points after we showed her in Feb. during this trip she picked up 7GCH points.  She won BOB one day and sure had fun.

Drummer showed on Friday and was RWD behind his half brother at the specialty.

Izzy was BOB all three days but didn't have any luck in the group ring.

Chris picked up a puppy bitch and she needed some experience but did seem to enjoy herself for the most part.

Leslie won select with Yoda and Henry both days.  Each for 1 point.  She said the enjoyed spending time with family while over there.

We ended the month doing a crazy 5 days for Memorial day in Hamilton, OH.  The weather was so nice the first two days that I got to stay outside all day...I sure liked that!  But after that it got blazing hot in the mid 90's!  I don't think I have drank that much water in a very long time.

The first day was the central regional for goldens.

Marty won his sweeps and regular class and Drogba was 2nd in both of his behind Marty.

Drummer showed great but ended up 4th!  Drummer has now gone home to try his luck at becoming a daddy.

Leslie showed Marty's half sister dolly.  They won a very nice 9-12 class and went on to win RWB! 

Then we had 4 days of all breed shows.
BoKay was Select Bitch Sat., Sun., and Monday for 2 points each day.
Izzy was BOB on Friday for 2pts and BOS on Saturday for 1pt
Henry was Select dog on Sunday for 3pts
Yoda won BOB/Grp4 on Friday and BOB/Grp3 on Monday....he had a fantastic weekend and yes folks Leslie finally put the placements on him!
Faith worked hard for 3 days but came home with only one ribbon.

It was nice to be able to spend more than two days at a show site and just relax some.  Everyone got to go on nightly walks and just RELAX!

It did feel good to get home and sleep in our own bed even if it was just for a few days.

Wrap up of points the end of May
Yoda 91 GCH points
Izzy 50GCH points
Henry 61 GCH points
Matty 56 GCH points
Drummer 10 points
BoKay 17 GCH points 1 major
Faith 7 points
