Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Straw Hat Cluster, Woodstock, VA

We attended Shawnee KC the Straw Hat Cluster in Woodstock, VA this past weekend. 

Yoda & Chris winning BOB at SHKC June 2012
Yoda also made the cut in the group that day!

Drogba made his last appearance in 9-12 and showed fabulous on Saturday.  Didn't come home with any wins but he really has been showing better these past few weeks.  Chris pulled him on Sunday because of a judge change.

BoKay had a tough compeition with 4 very nice bitch specials.  She was awarded select both days.  The first day was 2 points and the second day was worth 1.

Yoda showed well both days even for it being sooo hot by the time he showed Sunday and was awarded select the first day and BOS the second.  Picking up 1 point each day.

Henry was a little unfocused on Sunday but was awarded Select and BOS this weekend for a total of 6 points. He is getting soooo close to that medallion it is in sight now!

We are all ready for a weekend off...even though Leslie & Chris are busy this week and will have a busy weekend I shall sleep alot. :-D

Yesterday was my pal Jewel's 13th birthday!  We shall celebrate thats for sure.

Marty winning his 6th point at 10 months old!

Catch ya later


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Huntington KC

Well, we stayed close to home this weekend and did the local Huntington KC shows.  It was soooo freakin hot!  Thankfully we were inside with AC otherwise the show would probably have been canceled.

On Saturday
Henry was Select Dog for 2pts
Marty RWD
Bokay Select Bitch 1pt

Marty BOW 1pt
Drogba RWD
Bokay Select Bitch 1pt
Henry Select 2pts
Yoda Select 1pt

We enjoyed spending sometime in the River City even with the heat.  We think Huntington KC's new location at Big Sandy Arena is really nice and they have lots of potential to grow.  They sure have some great places to eat!  YUMYUM thanks for the leftovers Chris...I won't tell Leslie ;-)

We go to VA next week and then we are off...FINALLY!  I shall sleep in bed all weekend :-D


Ending of June Starting July

We ended June and started July in Vandergrift, PA.  It was cool the first day and super hot the 2nd day.

Yoda came home with 2 selects.
Matty 1 Select 1 BOB
Bokay 2 BOS's

We lost power at home Friday before leaving during a vicious storm.  Fought to find gas and Chris and Leslie kept us all cool by running a generator when we got back.  Thankfully our power came back on Tuesday.  We fought to keep power during the storms of the week.

It was a rough time and we are all still tired from it!

June was a great month for my brother Yoda he picked up some nice points and we are hoping July will be good as well.

Henry started the month strong and ended strong as well picking up 3 BOB's 1 BOS and 1 Select.

Marty picked up 2 points.

June sure was hot but the dogs were hot too! Can't believe we are half we through the year.
